Lilian Abou-Tabickh, PhD

Arabic Political Thought | Feminist Thought

Lilian Abou-Tabickh, PhD

Arabic Political Thought | Feminist Thought

Diversity Statement

My goal as a teacher is to create a welcoming, inclusive, and respectful learning environment that provides opportunity for participation for all students and an understanding that diverse perspectives are valued. To achieve an inclusive environment in class, I will learn about students' backgrounds and social identities through “The social identity wheel” worksheet. This activity encourages students to reflect on the various ways those identities become visible or felt and how they impact their lives. The activity also prompts them to distinguish between identities that matter most in their self-perception as opposed to others' perceptions of them. Throughout the course, I will use fun ice-breakers, such as asking students to post the number of languages they speak to build rapport, get to know them better, and promote a pleasant climate. I will also show illustrations where students could share how they feel and use This or That exercises to encourage humor. 

To learn about students' previous experiences in the classroom and expectations of the course, I will invite them to share information using open-ended questions. I'll use agree-ordisagree statements to identify their interests, biases, and prior knowledge, allowing me to take their strengths and needs into account in the design and delivery of the course. 

Course materials will include contributions by historically underrepresented groups and content that engages diverse ideas and perspectives. I will also consider students' background knowledge and ask them to contribute to the syllabus. To cater to different abilities and learning styles, course materials will include readings, podcasts, discussions, active learning strategies, and documentary films. The active learning methods aim to build opportunities for positive interactions and authentic connections among students. In those activities, student group formation will be based on non-visible characteristics, such as birth month to promote diversity and avoid marginalizing students from underrepresented identities. 

All classes will include multiple ways for students to demonstrate their knowledge, such as written assignments and small group activities, encouraging student choice in research topic and presentation format. In addition, students will have an equal opportunity to present and facilitate discussion. In class discussions, I will use strategies for including a range of voices and encourage participation, such as asking students to write their responses before they verbally report them. In preparation and presentations of group projects, I will guide them to rotate roles and share speaking responsibilities equitably. At the end of such activities, students will be asked to reflect and share what they learned from their classmates. 

Assessment will consist of different components and involve self-evaluation activities and opportunities for peer feedback. In all courses, I will seek students' feedback several times throughout the course to learn about the class climate and their learning. I will review students' comments, share them with the class, and make improvements accordingly. 

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