Lilian Abou-Tabickh, PhD

Arabic Political Thought | Feminist Thought

Lilian Abou-Tabickh, PhD

Arabic Political Thought | Feminist Thought

My research focuses on Islamic intellectual history, particularly concepts in premodern Arabic political thought (eighth to eighteenth century) that remain relevant today. My earlier research explored Palestinian women's experiences, power, and politics, which informs my broader interest in political agency. My latest publication reinterprets the terms ẓāhir and bāṭin of history in Ibn Khaldūn's AlMuqaddima, furthering this work by challenging deterministic readings of his phases of the polity in my upcoming publication. My current research questions dominant narratives that depict Arab and Muslim societies as politically passive, offering a fresh perspective on the role of the public in Islamic thought. I apply Arabic philosophy of language and its contextual approach to interpretation in my research. My teaching interests include Islamic political thought, world intellectual history, and feminist thought from the Global South. 
Ph.D. in Political Science & Women and Gender Studies
University of Toronto

M.A. in Gender Studies
Bar-Ilan University

B.A. in English Language and Literature
University of Haifa 

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